Lez Zeppelin @ Bowery Ballroom

Four women playing Led Zeppelin. I walked into this show viewing at as interesting amusement, because it’s hard to disregard the novelty angle.
I gotta say, they RAWKED, dude. I just arrived at the ballroom when The Immigrant Song came thundering through the floor, and I smiled because I thought that was funny - it is the perfect Zep opening song; but like I said, I guess the aforementioned novelty of the situation was wining out.
Then, I came upstairs into the hall. They broke into Heartbreaker / Living Loving Maid (She’s Just a Woman) . They were good. They were very good.
They were good because besides all being very good players, they knew the secret of successfully executing a Zeppelin tune: you must have a monster drummer who ‘gets it’, and can do the Bonzo thing. And their drummer, Helen Destroy, got it. Solid, heavy, powerful, groovy.
I got up close to the stage after the break, in front of the guitarist. And I realized that, on the surface, she was damn near close to the perfect woman. Let’s see:
- Attractive.
- Full Jimmy Page regalia, including the doubleneck guitar.
- She can play.
I think I’ve found my next wife…
Anyway, if you dig Zeppelin, they’re playing again next Thursday, February 2, at the Bowery Ballroom. Go. You won’t be sorry.